Digital Skills, Literacy, and Device (DSLD) Program
The Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) is excited to announce the application period is officially open for our new Digital Skills, Literacy, and Device (DSLD) Grant Program! DHCD has developed the DSLD program for eligible applicants to implement new, expand, and/or upscale existing programs related to the advancement of digital skills and literacy, digital navigation, digital device refurbishment and/or device distribution, or comparable programs related to the use and adoption of broadband targeted at members of covered populations.
The DSLD Grant Program is funded by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration’s (NTIA) State Digital Equity Capacity Grant program (SDECG). Projects funded by the DSLD program must align with an implementation priority/ eligible use of funds identified by DHCD in the Virginia Digital Opportunity Plan (click here to view Virginia’s Digital Opportunity Plan). The implementation priorities/ eligible uses of funds, which align with the Virginia Digital Opportunity Plan, have been identified as the following project types: Digital Skills and Literacy, Digital Navigation and Tech Support, and Digital Refurbishment and Device Distribution. Applicants will be required to select their proposed project type(s) and define evaluation methods to be used for tracking the progress of proposed project activities within the application process to determine initial eligibility and merit.
The Digital Skills, Literacy, and Device (DSLD) Program is a three-year program for eligible applicants to implement new, expand, and/or upscale existing programs related to the advancement of Digital Skills and Literacy, Digital Navigation, Digital Device Refurbishment, and/or Device Distribution. The grant application period for the DSLD Grant will close on April 21st, 2025! DHCD encourages all eligible applicants to apply for the DSLD grant opportunity! DHCD Held a How-to-Apply Workshop to discuss the application and key takeaways for the program. Please see the slide deck and recording for the DSLD How-to-Apply Workshop below:
If you have any questions, email the Digital Opportunity Inbox at
Virginia Affordability and Adoption Planning Grant (VAAPG) Application Process
The Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) is excited to announce the grant application period for the Virginia Broadband Affordability and Adoption Planning Grant Program has been extended to May 31, 2025! Eligible applicants for this program include county, city, and tribal governments. We encourage localities and tribes to develop their management team, and apply for the Virginia Broadband Affordability and Adoption Planning Grant (VAAPG). Eligible applicants for this program include county, city, and tribal governments.
The purpose of this program is to conduct needs assessments, identify priorities, and develop plans with implementation strategies to address and promote digital opportunity in their communities. This program’s intended goal is to provide eligible applicants an opportunity to prepare for governmental and philanthropic funding and program opportunities, such as the BEAD non-deployment and federal Digital Equity Act funds.
DHCD’s Office of Broadband hosted a ‘How-To-Apply’ webinar on the application process on February 20th. Representatives from units of local government, tribal governments, and other interested stakeholders were encouraged to attend to learn about the grant application process. The webinar discussed an overview of the program, plan requirements, application requirements, the application process, and other important information for applicants. Both the PowerPoint presentation and a recording of the webinar are available below.
If you have any questions, email the Digital Opportunity inbox at